Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This and That

Bub’s naptime ritual is pretty simple. He picks one book to read, we read it, then he takes a nap. It really should never, ever be this hard:

Me: Okay, Bub, pick your book, let’s go.
Bub: (handing me one) This one?
Me: You want to read Cookie ABCs?
Bub: Yes.
Me: Okay, come on over.
Bub: (pointing at 123s) Um, this one?
Me: You want to read that one?
Bub: This one. I read this one.
Me: You want to read that one?
Bub: This one.
Me: Well, what about this one?
Bub: Daddy read this one?
Me: That one? Bub, you have to choose one. This one or that one?
Bub: This one, this one!
Me: Okay, then let’s put that one away.
Bub: This one?
Me: Yes, Bub, please put that one away.
Bub: Put this one away!
Me: Great, now let’s put this one away.
Bub: Yes, this one.
Me: Was that a good book?
Bub: Yes.
Me: Better than that one, anyway, huh?
Bub: Yes.
Me: Good night, Bub.
Bub: Good night, Daddy.

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